Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Things have changed a bit...

Not to make excuses for the long silence here, but our Gen Con plans aren't what they once were. Looking for a new plan, that's us. Or me, anyway. Pat's got himself a new job (which is good) and that job requires his attendance over the Gen Con weekend (which is... less good). So I'm trying to decide whether or not to go by myself. It's an interesting decision process; I think by the end of it I'll have a decent handle on how much of the excitement about this trip was road-tripping with Pat and how much was Gen Con itself.

On the one hand, it's a long way to Indianapolis and it'll be weird to be alone amidst that many people, but on the other hand they sure will have a lot of dice for sale.

Tricky call.

1 comment:

burtlo said...

You are welcome to seek me out while you there if you are looking for someone to introduce you to some people.